
PPGF016 - SEMINÁRIOS AVANÇADOS I - Turma: 01 (2013.1)

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  • Seminario dia 03/07
  • 01/07/2013 08:34
  • Texto:

    Os seminários nesta quarta feira dia 03/07/2013 serão no AUDITÓRIO DA FÍSICA as 10h.



    MINISTRANTE: Maycon Silva Santos


    DATA: 03/07/2013      LOCAL: Auditório da Física / CCN      HORÁRIO: 10:00 h


    Neste seminário vamos tratar de um estudo rápido sobre, coesão geométrica em materiais granulares. Será feita uma breve abordagem histórica sobre este trabalho e mostraremos alguns resultados obtidos, dentro desse contexto também falaremos de forma bem simplória sobre leis de escalas e fenômenos de não-equilíbrio,com uma atenção especial no trabalho de empilhamento.



    MINISTRANTE: Natanael de Carvalho Costa


    DATA: 03/07/2013      LOCAL: Auditório da Física / CCN      HORÁRIO: 11:00 h


    Over the past few decades, coexistence between superconductivity and magnetic order has been found in a variety of families of materials, such as heavy fermions, borocarbides, and, more recently, in iron pnictides and some cuprates.

    However, a microscopic description of this coexistence is still in its infancy. An interesting class of materials showing this coexistence comprises of the borocarbides, which contain a rare-earth element in their chemical composition. The rare-earth element provides a local magnetic moment that interacts with the conduction electrons, which, in turn, are subject to a phonon-mediated pairing interaction.

    In order to model these materials, Bertussi et al. considered a local on-site attraction for the conduction electrons, while their coupling with the local magnetic moments is described by a Kondo term. Their the Hamiltonian is taken as the joint of a term of Kondo lattice with a term of attractive Hubbard. The one-dimensional version of the model was investigated through density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG), from which a ground state phase diagram was established, showing regions of coexistence of superconductivity and spin-density waves; these results are in qualitative agreement with the trend observed in borocarbides.

    In the present work, we consider this model in 2D, within the Hartree-Fock approximation. We will discuss results for the superconducting gap, for the magnetizations for the conduction electrons and local moments. From these results, we extract a phase diagram (T=0), from which regions of coexistence between superconductivity and magnetism are mapped out. The results are compared with experimental data.



SIGAA | Superintendência de Tecnologia da Informação - STI/UFPI - (86) 3215-1124 | sigjb15.ufpi.br.instancia1 vSIGAA_3.12.1251 07/03/2025 00:16