Over the past years, materials with magnetic frustration have called the
attention of the community due to their unusual properties. For instance,
frustration in the Kagome lattice leads to suppression of long-range spin
correlations, which is expected to be a candidate for a spin liquid state. Some of
these features have been analyzed previously through many different
techniques, despite controversies about the results in the literature, in particular
on the critical transition to a Mott-insulator state. Furthermore, recent
realizations employing ultracold atoms have increased the interest in this
subject. Given this, the present work investigates the repulsive Hubbard model
on the Kagome lattice by unbiased quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We
examine its thermodynamic properties, as well as the magnetic and transport
response of the system at finite temperatures. From these results, we discussthe possible occurrence of adiabatic cooling, a quite important feature inultracold systems, and the presence of a metal-to-insulator transition for a finiteinteraction strength. We expect that our findings may shed light on these issues,and may guide future experiments in ultracold atoms.