In this work, we analytically investigated the effect of diffeomorphism
symmetry on the values of critical exponents for massive scalar field theories in
curved spacetime with λφ4interaction and O(N) symmetry. For this, we used the
vertex functions that were regularized using the dimensional regularization
method and renormalized using the minimum subtraction method. The
divergences found in the Feynman integrals were removed by adding the
vertices of counter-terms corresponding to the superficially divergent
amplitudes, characterizing the BPHZ method used in this work. During the
computation of function β and anomalous dimensions of curved spacetime, the
momentum dependent integrals and curved spacetime parameters R and Rμν
were canceled naturally. The critical exponents were first obtained up to the
order of 3-loops for one of them and up to 2-loops for the remaining ones, so it
was possible to create a theorem that generalizes these results to any loop
order. Finally, it was verified that the values of the critical exponents are
invariant to the symmetry of the diffeomorphism and consequently the
universality hypothesis remains intact regardless of the loop order. In the
conclusions, the physical interpretation of the results is presented.