E) Internationalization

The internationalization of the Graduate Program (PPGEnf) is part of the Institutional Development Plan (PDI) of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), in Teaching, Research, and Extension, given its importance for science and for the criterion of classification in the evaluation carried out by CAPES.


In 2019, the International PPGEnf Commission of UFPI was created, with the participation of the PPGEnf Coordinator, Tenured Professor Maria Eliete Batista Moura, as President and the Members: Visiting Professor - Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrel, Tenured Professor Márcia Teles de Oliveira Gouveia, Coordinator of Undergraduate Program in Nursing - Patrícia Maria Gomes de Carvalho, Master's Student - Luis Fernando Penagos Cubillos, and Undergraduate Student - Agostinho Antônio Crus Araújo. This Commission has been working to improve the Internationalization of the Program.

In the last 04 years, UFPI has developed Technical-Scientific Events and expanded the partnership with several international institutions for cooperation and exchanges of undergraduate and graduate students, with the main purpose of promoting the international mobility of professors and students. In this sense, UFPI has been developing events for the evaluation and planning of new editions of the Partnerships Program for Education and Training  (PAEC), a program run by the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB) in partnership with the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), considered by the OAS as the most successful Master’s and Doctoral  Exchange Program in the Americas. The program involves Brazilian universities from all regions, including UFPI, which receive graduate students from several Latin American countries, contributing to the advancement of the internationalization process of our universities and to the development of research and graduate studies in countries of origin of these students. The program also opened up for the exchange of Brazilian universities with universities in the southern hemisphere, correcting the exchange process that focused only on exchange programs with universities in the northern hemisphere, especially Europe and the United States. Since 2017, UFPI has been developing activities through the existing agreement with the University of Porto/Portugal, to promote and strengthen the internationalization process between the two institutions. In 2019/2020, UFPI made efforts to focus on countries in South America and the Andean Region, with special interest in the Line of Researchof Health and Nursing. During the quadrennium–2017-2020, the international insertion of Faculty, Students, and Alumni of the Program can be evidenced based on the indicators related to the production of international circulation, through the publication of articles in Qualis A1, A2, A3, A4, and B1 journals. The number of articles in foreign journals had a considerable increase in the four-year period, which implies an improvement in the relationship of Brazilian and foreign academic teams, revealing itself in the increase of partnerships and networks of international researchers in graduate studies.


MAIN INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY ACTIONS – Integration with other programs


1. PARTICIPATION IN INSTITUTIONAL INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAMS - PCI - 2019/2022 - Member of the Cooperation with MERCOSUR countries (ARGENTINA, PARAGUAY, AND URUGUAY), with the support of Federal Nursing Council - COFEN/BRAZIL and the Mercosur Regional Nursing Council - CREM. Member of the Cooperation through the Term of Technical Cooperation between COFEN and the Order of Nurses of ANGOLA (ORDENFA) and later an Addendum between COFEN, ORDENFA and Brazilian Universities, UNIRIO and PPGEnf/UFPI.


2. SELECTION PROCESS ALLOWING REGULAR FOREIGN STUDENTS TO TAKE PART - UFPI's PPGEnf published Notice No. 04/2019 and Notice No. 07/2021 - UFPI/PPGEnf for registration, selection and enrollment for the Graduate Nursing Program - Selection process for foreigners. It Selected the following Foreign Students for the Doctorate Program: Silvia Mary Calveira Gallo – Uruguay; Mirna Elizabeth Benegas Villamayor – Paraguay; Maria Cecília de Souza Cruz – Uruguay; Nelito Lopes Barros - Angola; Hidalia Silvestre Rodriguez Bernal – Paraguay; José Maria Vazquez Martinez – Paraguay; Neris Violeta González Pérez – Uruguay, and Ramona Luna – Paraguay. It also Selected these Foreign Students for the Master’s Program: Fabiola Jazmin Caceres Navarro - Paraguay; Odalina del Carmen Martinez Jimenez – Paraguay; José Augusto Chamoleha - Angola; Luis Fernando Penagos - Colombia; Anoucheka Julien – Haiti, and Eduardo Maziku Lulendo - Angola.


3. OFFERING A PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE COURSE TO RECEIVE STUDENTS AND PROFESSORS/RESEARCHERS FROM ABROAD - PPGEnf has the support of the UFPI Languageswithout Borders Program (Public Notices 2019/2020) to offer Students and Professors/Researchers from abroad Portuguese and foreign language courses– English, French, and Spanish – and for the internal and external communities to prepare PPGEnf Professors and Students for activities abroad. PPGEnf has 10 foreign Students and 5 (five) Foreign Professors/Researchers who develop activities at PPGEnf.


4. RECEIVING FOREIGN PROFESSORS/RESEARCHERS TO DEVELOP RESEARCH AND/OR TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN THE GRADUATE AND POSTDOCTORAL INTERNSHIP: Professor/Researcher from El Salvador- Edelmira Antonia Pineda de Osegueda – Supervision of Tenured Professor Fernandes Márcia A; Professor/Researcher from Peru, Flor Marlene Luna Victória Mori – Supervision of the Tenured Professor Maria Eliete Batista Moura; Professor/Researcher from Peru, Sebastián Bustamante Edquén – Supervision of the Tenured Professor Rosilane de Lima Brito Magalhaes; Professor/Researcher from Mexico, Aracely Díaz Oviedo – Visiting Professor Supervision, Antonieta Tyrrell; Professor/Researcher from Peru, Kelly Myriam Jiménez de Aliaga – Supervision by Invited Professor Daniela Reis Joaquim de Freitas.


5. COURSES OFFER IN A PERU FOREIGN PROGRAM  – IN SPANISH – Course offered in the 2nd semester of 2020 and 1st semester of 2021 - Seminar of Thesis IV (Code M94084), for newcomers to the Doctoral Program in 2019. Fourth semester, in the Nursing Doctorate Program, from National University of San Marcos – Peru, by Tenured Professor Maria Eliete and Visiting Professor Antonieta Tyrrell.


6. SUPERVISION OF DOCTORAL AND MASTER’S FOREIGN STUDENTS - URUGUAY 2020 – 1. Silvia Gallo; 2. Neris Peres; 3. Maria Cecília Cruz; 4. Eliana Aulet. PARAGUAY 2021 -. 1.Hidalia Bernal; 2. José Maria Martinez; 3. Ramona Luna; 4.Mirna Villamayor; 5. Odalina Jimenez; 6. Fabiola Navarro. ANGOLA 2021- 1. Nelito Barros; 2. José Augusto Chamoleha; 3. Eduardo Lulendo. WITH SCHOLARSHIP- HAITI- Anoucheka Julien, from the Technological University of Santiago in the Dominican Republic, with CAPES Scholarship, 2018/2019. Luis Fernando Penagos Cubillos, from the National University of Colombia, with CAPES Scholarship, 2019/2020.


7. SUPERVISION AND CO-SUPERVISION IN FOREIGN HEI PROGRAMS- The Tenured Professor Maria Eliete is Co-advisor of the Doctoral Student, Juana Sancho, of the Graduate Program of the National University of San Marcos. Tenured Professor Márcia Astrês Fernandes is the advisor of the Master's student Larissa Seabra in the Master's Program in Occupational Health and Safety Management, at ISEC-Lisboa-Portugal. Tenured Professor Telma Araújo is Silvio Almeida Santos' co-advisor of the Doctoral Thesis in Tropical Diseases and Global Health, at the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine/New University of Lisbon - Portugal.


8.FOREIGN CO-SUPERVISION- Prof. Dr. Sonia Carreños Moreno, from the National University of Colombia, was Co-advisor of the Student Luís Fernando Penagos Cubillos, under the supervision of the Tenured Professor Livramento Figueiredo


9. TRAINING OF A STUDENT IN CO-SUPERVISION AND/OR DOUBLE DEGREE - Tenured Professor Rosilane Magalhaes - Cooperation with the University of Peru, for the development of Projects and Co-supervisor of Mateus Sousa Carvalho – Brazil/Peru - Doctorate 2020/2023. Tenured Professor Livramento Figueiredo - Cooperation with the University of Colombia for Project Development and Co-supervisor of Luis Fernando Penagos Cubillos – Colombia/Brazil - Doctorate 2020/2023. Tenured Professor Maria Eliete - Cooperation with the University of Porto-Portugal for Project Development and Co-supervisor of Ana Raquel Batista – Brazil/Portugal –Doctoral Dregree 2020/2023.


10. RESEARCH PROJECT CARRIED OUT WITH AN INTERNATIONAL TEAM. Multicentric Project, entitled: Impact of violence on the work process and mental health of community health agents, has as researchers Marcia Caldas de Castro from Harvard University/USA and Tatiana Daré Araújo from Coimbra University – Portugal. Project titled: In my time... by Tenured Professor Maria Eliete, Portugal; Brazil (UFPB; UFRJ; UFRN; UFPI; UFSC); France; Spain; Italy; USA; Argentina; France, with researchers from the International Network for Research in Health and Social Representations (RIPRES) at the University of Évora/PT and France.


11. INTERNSHIPS/TRAINING OF MASTER’S STUDENTS ABROAD - Tenured Professor Telma Araújo, supervised the Master’s student Elizama dos Santos Costa in the Joint Master’s Degree at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança – Portugal, from September 2019 to February 2020, under the supervision of Dr. Teresa Correia. Activities related to 06 courses were attended in the Master's on Maternal Health and Obstetrics - 1. Advanced nursing, 2. Clinical Supervision, 3. Maternal health and obstetrics nursing I, 4. Ethics and law in sexual and reproductive health, 5. Management in Health, and 6. Research Methodology.


12. COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF ÉVORA – PORTUGAL AND PARTNERSHIP WITH THE UNIVERSIDAD CEU CARDENAL HERRERA – SPAIN- Technical Cooperation Agreement signed between UFPI (Brazil) and the University of Évora (Portugal) and partnership with the Universidad Ceu Cardenal Herrera – Spain. In the proposals, various activities were agreed upon for researchers/professors, undergraduate and graduate students , research and events at the institutions involved.


13. MEMBERSHIP OF UFPI’s DEPARTMENT OF NURSING AND PPGENF IN THE LATIN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSING SCHOOLS AND FACULTIES (ALADEFE) - Tenured Professor Maria Eliete and Senior Visiting Professor Antonieta Tyrrell participated in the 15th Ibero-American Conference on Nursing Education, promoted by the Latin American Association of Nursing Schools and Faculties  (ALADEFE) linked to the Union of Latin American Universities (UDUAL), from September 21 to 26, 2019 in Panama City/Panama. In this outstanding event, Tenured Professor Maria Eliete, representing the Nursing Department at UFPI, presented the application for membership of this HEI to ALADEFE/UDUAL, which was approved.


14. PARTNERSHIP IN TEACHING, RESEARCH, AND SUPERVISION IN EMERGING COUNTRIES  FOR POSTGRADUATE DEVELOPMENT - PERU – INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONAL MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAM (MINTER)  - In 2019/2020, the PPGEnf of UFPI, as a promoting institution, proposed an INTERNATIONAL MINTER with Peru through an agreement signed between the Presidents of UFPI/Piauí/Brazil and of the Antenor Orrego Private University (UPAO/Trujillo/Peru), which includes  10 applications for candidates for the Master’s to be filled in 2021.2. An International MINTER is one of the contributions of a solidarity and nucleation initiative to teaching, research, and social responsibility programs from a national, regional, and local perspective in Peru.


15. CONFERENCES, TENURED PROFESSOR LECTURES, ENROLLED STUDENTS AND ALUMNI IN EVENTS ABROAD OR ITINERANT INTERNATIONAL EVENTS IN BRAZIL - In 2019, Tenured Professor Maria Eliete and Senior Visiting Professor Antonieta Tyrrell took part in the XV FEPPEN International Conference, III Regional Conference of Students, and XIII Uruguayan Nursing Conference, held from October 12th to October 18th, 2019, in the city ofAsunción/Paraguay, sponsored by COFEN, Tenured Professor Maria Eliete gave a lecture at the event, entitled: Importancia de la investigación en el posgrado, su contribución y desafíos (Importance of postgraduate research, its contribution and challenges).


16. CONFERENCES PROVIDED BY INTERNATIONAL RESEARCHERS - Prof. Dr. Margareth Zancehtta - Associate of Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University, Faculty of Community Services, Canada. Prof. Dr. Maria Alberta Garcia Jiménez (Researcher at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, UAM, Mexico). Prof. Dr. Erika Mayela Caballero Muñoz (Professor and Representative of the International Council of Nurses (ICN) for Latin America – Chile). Prof. Dr Suzanne Hetzel Campbell (Professor and Researcher at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver/Canada). Prof. Dr. José Ramón Martinez (Tenured Professor at the Department of Community Nursing, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, and History of Science at the University of Alicante - Spain).


17. PRODUCTION OF TENURED PROFESSORS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH FOREIGN RESEARCHERS - PPGEnf has agreements/partnerships and joint research projects in progress, with the following universities: New York University – USA, through Madeline A Naegle (Director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Geriatric Nursing Education); Universidad Cadernal Herrera Ceu de Valencia and Universidad Europea de Valencia - Valencia – Spain, through Prof. Dr. Juan José Tirado Darder; University of Évora/School of Nursing in S João de Deus - Évora – Portugal, through Felismina Mendes and Maria do Céu Marques, Nursing School of Coimbra- Coimbra- Portugal, through Aida Maria de Oliveira Cruz Mendes.


18. INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS AND TECHNICAL VISITS. TECHNICAL-SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES (≥5DAYS) IN FOREIGN INSTITUTIONS - PANAMA - During the XV Ibero-American Conference on Nursing Education promoted by ALADEFE, in Panama, from 21 to 27 September, 2019, Tenured Professor Maria Eliete and Visiting Professor Antonieta Tyrrell made a Technical Visit to the Confucius Institute in Panama. The Institute was created at the University of Panama with the Beijing University of International Studies, aiming to promote Mandarin language studies and Chinese cultural classes. They also made a Technical Visit, from September 21 to 27, 2019, to the Latin American Institute of Educational Communication (ILCE), in Panama. The Institute is an international organization formed by 14 countries (except Brazil), including Panama.


During the quadrennium, the international mobility of the Professors, Students, and Alumni in partnership with foreign institutions has taken place through agreements and ongoing projects that resulted in several activities together with foreign researchers from institutions in different countries. Many actions/activities in this regard have been implemented, such as:




The PPGEnf has expanded and strengthened the internationalization process since 2017 and, in this case, through the Technical Cooperation Agreement signed between the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), Piauí – Brazil and the University of Évora – Portugal. In this proposal, activities designed to Researchers / Professors, Undergraduate and Graduate students in studies, research, and events of the institutions involved were agreed upon.


This schedule was implemented in 2019, with the execution of several activities involving Professors, Students, and Alumni of the PPGEnf, such as: Development of the Project entitled: “Good practices and technological innovation in the health and safety care of adults and the elderly”, with the aim of promoting the internationalization of the UFPI Graduate Program in Nursing, with focus on good practices and technological innovation in the health and safety care of adults and the elderly, through a partnership between Brazil, Spain, and Portugal; training and qualifying high-level Professors, Students, and Researchers, providing the Graduate Program with adequate conditions for the development of its activities; and promoting exchange, agreements, and partnerships with national graduate programs to favor joint actions designed to teaching, research, and extension.


Proposed Outcomes: Scientific article preparation with the research results; short-term course on “patient safety”; lectures by Invited Professors on “good practices for patient safety”; and participation of these ones in qualification exam, defense boards, and courses of the PPGEnf.


Participating Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) – Federal University of Piauí, Brazil; – Universidad Ceu Cardenal Herrera, Spain; – University of Évora, Portugal. Members – Maria Eliete Batista Moura, Federal University of Piauí, Brazil; – Juan José Tirado Darder, Universidad Ceu Cardenal Herrera, Spain; – Maria do Céu Pinto Marques, University of Évora – Portugal. Organization of itinerant/ international events, held together - IX International Forum on Health, Aging, and Social Representations, held at the Federal University of Paraíba, integrating the Scientific Programming with Symposiums and Conferences on the Central Theme: Health, Education, Aging, and Social Representations, from April 24th to 26th, 2019.




During the XV Ibero-American Conference on Nursing Education promoted by the Latin American Association of Schools and Colleges of Nursing (ALADEFE), in Panama, from September 21th to 27th, 2019, the Tenured Professor Maria Eliete Batista Moura, the Visiting Professor Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell, from PPGEnf, and the Tenured Professor Antônia Leda Oliveira Silva, from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Professional Master's degree Program in Gerontology, had a technical visit to the Confucius Institute in Panama.


The Institute was created at the University of Panama with the Beijing International Studies University with the aim of promoting Mandarin language studies and Chinese cultural classes. The Confucius Institute is a not-for-profit public education organization affiliated with the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and aims to promote the Mandarin language, Chinese culture and teaching at an international scope, and facilitate cultural exchanges.


The Tenured Professor Maria Eliete Batista Moura, the Visiting Professor Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell from PPGEnf and the Tenured Professor Antônia Leda Oliveira Silva, from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) Professional Master's degree Program in Gerontology had a Technical Visit, from September 21th to 27th, 2019, to the "Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicación Educativa (ILCE)".


The Institute is an international organization composed of 14 countries (except Brazil), including Panama. The institute aims to contribute to educational and social projects for the purpose of making education accessible to the entire population and improving the life quality of the people, communities, societies, and countries. Its mission is to propose, articulate, and promote initiatives and cutting-edge educational communication projects that can manage meaningful learning experiences.


These activities were programmed by the Director of the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Panama, in order to arouse the interest and knowledge of two institutions at the University of Panama to enable future plans for the connection and acting of PPGEnf and the Professional Master's degree Program in Gerontology at UFPB, from the Latin-American perspective.




The Visiting Professor Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell, from PPGEnf, had a Technical Visit from January 11th to 17th, 2020, to Jean Piaget University, in Luanda. This HEI was created in 1999, with the UNESCO support, and is a private and associative in character Angolan Higher Education Institution, offering 16 Undergraduate degree programs in Teaching (Bachelor's degree, in fact) and 5 Master's degree programs, except Nursing. Its mission is to promote creation, transmission, and dissemination of the knowledge, science, and technology culture, through articulation between study, teaching, and scientific research.


The strategy resulted in the signing of a Technical Cooperation Term between COFEN and the Nursing Council of Angola (ORDENFA) and later to an Addendum between COFEN, ORDENFA, and the Brazilian Universities, UNIRIO and UFPI. The signed Term states the support necessity for the ORDENFA development and strengthening and qualification of the nursing professionals for Master's and Doctoral degree programs. On that occasion, Visiting Professor Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell represented, by official delegation, the Coordination Office of PPGEnf in the perspective of ensuring applications for Angolan students for the requested Programs in 2021.




In PPGEnf internationalization process context with the MERCOSUR countries, with the Federal Nursing Council – COFEN and the Mercosur Regional Council of Nursing – CREM (Member countries: Argentina, Brazil – CREM President, Uruguay, and Paraguay) support and during the XV International Conference of the Pan-American Federation of Nursing Professionals (FEPPEN), III Regional Conference of Students and XIII Conference of Nursing in Uruguay, the Tenured Professor Maria Eliete Batista Moura and the Visiting Professor Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell had a Technical Visit from October 12th to 18th, 2019, in Montevideo, Uruguay, to the "Colegio de Enfermeras del Uruguay, CEU", affiliated with the "Consejo Internacional de Enfermeras (CIE)", the "Federación Panamericana de Profesionales de Enfermería (FEPPEN)", and the "Consejo Regional de Enfermería del Mercosul (CREM)".


On the visit, the CEU President, Dr. Silvia Desteffano, was present and introduced us to the mission, vision, programs, and projects of the Institution, with an emphasis on the necessity for training and qualification at the Master's and Doctoral degrees. The strategy resulted in the signing of a COFEN Cooperation Term with the CREM Presidents and two Brazilian Universities, UNIRIO and UFPI.


At PPGEnf, the Call for Proposals of the Master's and Doctoral degree programs was approved on September 18th, 2019, with the offering of 03 applications for the Master's and 03 applications for the Doctoral degree for candidates from Uruguay, as well as the offering another 06 applications for Paraguay in 2020 and 06 applications for Argentina in 2021, according to the CREM Meeting Minutes, during the 22nd Brazilian Nursing Congress of the COFEN (CBCENF) in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná.


In the final result of the selection process, to be implemented in the first half of 2020, two (02) candidates for the Master's degree were approved and classified: Maria Esperanza Oliveira Delgado and Eliana Soledad Eulacio Aulet (Line of Research 1 - Care Process in Health and Nursing). Three (03) candidates were approved and classified for the Doctoral degree: Silvia Mary Calveira Gallo and Neris Violeta Gonzales Peres (Line of Research 1 - Care Process in Health and Nursing), and Maria Cecilia de Souza Cruz (Line of Research 2 - Socio-educational Policies and Practices in Nursing).






On August 6th, 2019, in the Graduate Auditorium, an international partnership had the participation of the Professor Dr. Margareth Santos Zanchetta - Member of the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University, Faculty of Community Services, Canada. The renowned Professor held the Conference, entitled: “The Health Promotion Model of Canada and Experience Reports on Production and Publication of Articles in International Journals”. Professor Zanchetta also participated in a meeting with Teaching staff of the PPGEnf, in which she presented the research, mobility, exchange, and technical cooperation programs of the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University, Faculty of Community Services, in Canada, and how to participate of them.


For 2020, in the perspective of continuing the establishment of international collaboration between PPGEnf and Ryerson University, a course is scheduled, entitled: "Updating Knowledge to Redefine Healthcare Team Actions", which will be held in September/October 2020, at UFPI, for Master's, Doctoral, and Undergraduate degree students in Nursing, and a work plan will be prepared aiming at a Technical Cooperation Proposal between UFPI and Ryerson University, Faculty of Community Services, Canada.


The aim of the course is to train graduate and undergraduate students and primary care professionals in the Brazil-Canada Collaborative Research Network on Health Promotion. This proposal arouses a favorable environment for the role of researchers and academic mobility between Canadians and Brazilians in the Teaching, Research, and Extension dimensions.






The Tenured Professor Maria Eliete Batista Moura was a panelist in a parallel session on Education and Biopolitics, whose topic was: "Importancia de La Investigación en el pré grado, su contribución y desafios”, at the XV Congreso de la Federación Panamericana de profesionales de Enfermería (FEPPEN) and XIII Congreso Del Colegio de Enfermeros del Uruguay, with the COFEN/Brazil support, Montevideo, Uruguay, October 12th to 18th, 2019.


The Senior Visiting Professor, Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell was a panelist in a parallel session on Education and Biopolitics, with the topic: "Vínculo y transferência de formación acadêmica em La práctica Clínica", at the XV Congreso de La Federación Panamericana de profesionales de Enfermería (FEPPEN) and XIII Congreso del Colegio de Enfermeros del Uruguay, with the COFEN/Brazil support, Montevideo, Uruguay, October 12th to 18th, 2019.






Agostinho Antônio Cruz Araújo, student of the sixth (6th) period of the UFPI Undergraduate degree program in Nursing participated along with the Tenured Professors Benevina Maria Vilar Teixeira Nunes, Grazielle Roberta Freitas da Silva, Maria Eliete Batista Moura, and the Visiting Professor Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell, in the VI Ibero-American Student Meeting, from September 22nd to 27th, 2019, in Panama, promoted by the "Asociación Latinoamericana de Escuelas y Facultades de Enfermería" affiliated with the “Unión de Universidades de América Latina y el Caribe - ALADEFE/UDUAL" and presented the work entitled: Research Group as a tool in the training of Nursing students, at the aforementioned event.




Larissa de Oliveira Seabra, Master's degree student of the ISEC (Lisbon-Portugal), and supervised by the Professor Márcia Astrês Fernandes participated in the Event: Scopes and Security Challenges, from October 24th to 26th, 2019, in Leiria-Portugal, and presented the works: 1. "Health in telemarketing work processes"; 2. "Legislation and surveillance in workers' health", and 3. "Organization and work process in workers’ health", authored by: Fernandes, M. A.; Nascimento, F.Z.F.O.; Oliveira, S.S.; Silva, J.S.E.; Carvalho, R.J.; Seabra.


In addition, the work entitled: "Profile and health changes in university professors of the Nursing degree" was presented, which came from the Undergraduate final paper authored by Evellyn Stefanne Bastos Marques, supervised by the Tenured Professor Márcia Teles de Oliveira Gouveia and with the co-authors Maria Lúcia do Carmo Cruz Robazzi, Girlene Ribeiro da Costa, Ana Maria Ribeiro dos Santos, Márcia Astrês Fernandes, and Larissa de Oliveira Seabra.







Through an Addendum signed by COFEN (Brazil as President of the Region) with the MERCOSUR countries (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay) and the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) and the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), PPGEnf made the commitment to collaborate with the qualification of nursing professionals, at Master's and Doctoral degrees, of the countries’ Regional Councils/Boards that compose the MERCOSUR Regional Council of Nursing – CREM.


The PPGEnf proposal covered a schedule for the 2020, 2021, and 2022 period. The admissions offer was defined in the Call for Proposals no. 04/2019 - UFPI/CCS/PPGENF for application, selection, and enrollment in the PPGEnf, with six (06) openings, three (03) for Master's and three (03) for Doctoral degree. The openings were initially filled by Uruguay in 2020; Paraguay in 2021, and Argentina in 2022.


The openings distribution occurred as follows: 17 (seventeen) of public competition, for the Master's degree, were distributed according to the Supervisor Professors available in each of the Line of Research: Care Process in Health and Nursing - 09 (nine) openings - and Socio-educational Policies and Practices in Nursing - 08 (eight). The 17 (seventeen) openings of public competition, for the Doctoral degree, were distributed according to the Supervisor Professors available in each of the Line of Research: Care Process in Health and Nursing - 09 (nine) openings - and Socio-Educational Policies and Practices in Nursing - 08 (eight).


The 03 (three) openings for the Master's degree, to candidates from the MERCOSUR Regional Council of Nursing - CREM countries: Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, will be distributed according to the Supervisor Professors available in each of the Line of Research: Care Process in Health and Nursing - 02 (two) openings - and Socio-Educational Policies and Practices in Nursing - 01 (one) opening. The 03 (three) openings for the Doctoral degree, to candidates from the MERCOSUR Regional Council of Nursing - CREM countries: Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, will be distributed according to the Supervisor Professors available in each of the Line of Research: Care Process in Health and Nursing - 02 (two) openings - and Socio-educational Policies and Practices in Nursing - 01 (one) opening.



1.Master's Degree: Profile of stressors faced by in nurses of emergency services


BSc in Nursing ELIANA SOLEDAD EULACIO AULET - Line of Research1 – Care Process in Health and Nursing.


2. Doctorate: Human resources management in the search for leadership, caring for the health team, job satisfaction, in order to provide safe and humanized care and services. -  SILVIA MARY CALVEIRA GALLO, MSc – Line of Research1 – Care Process in Health and Nursing.

 3. Doctorate: Study of the perception of nursing staff and patients in relation to health care safety. - NERIS GONZALEZ PEREZ – Line of Research1 Care Process in Health and Nursing.

4. Doctorate: Higher Education in Nursing: comparative analysis of the degree between Spain and Uruguay. –  MARIA CECILIA DE SOUZA CRUZ, MSc - Line of Research2 – Socio-educational Policies and Practices in Nursing.




The selection of candidates from Paraguay will be carried out in 2020.2 according to the publication that will be defined in the Public Notice covering six (06) openings: 03 (three) for the Doctorate and 03 (three) for the Master's.



The selection of candidates from Argentina will be carried out in 2021.2 according to the publication that will be defined in the Public Notice covering six (06) openings: 03 (three) for the Doctorate and 03 (three) for the Master's.






UFPI's PPGEnf, as a promoting institution, proposed an INTERNATIONAL MINTER with Peru through an agreement signed between the Presidents of UFPI/Piauí/Brazil and the Private University Antenor Orrego (UPAO/Trujillo/Peru), which contains a provision of 10 openings for Master's candidates to be filled in 2020.2. International MINTER is one of the contributions of a solidarity and nucleation initiative to teaching, research and social responsibility programs from a national, regional, and local perspective in Peru. MINTER is justified, considering that: the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) is committed to the implementation of MINTER, approved according to Resolution No. 136/19, of the Teaching, Research, and Extension Council of UFPI, which will strengthen the internationalization of PPGEnf in Latin America, in this case in a country in the Andean region (Peru). UFPI has the infrastructure with  facilities, laboratories, library, computer resources essential for the proper functioning of MINTER; the number of 15 full-time Professors in the PPGEnfis enough to support the Program activities, considering the number of 10 (ten) guaranteed openings; the experience of supervision and articulation of the Professor in the courses and research and extension projects; the Professors are researchers with scientific maturity, demonstrated by their publications in the last 05 (five) years, and with a level of integration that allows for the adequate development of research projects and the planned teaching and supervision activities. The host institution, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego – UPAO, located in the northern region of Peru in the city of Trujillo, state of La Libertad, has a Graduate Nursing Course created in 1998 and has trained more than 1,000 nurses. This Program is currently accredited (authorized) by the National Superintendence of University Higher Education of Peru (SUNEDU). UPAO has a staff of 46 professors and requires professional qualification at  Academic Master's level. The MINTER aims to facilitate the education of Masters in Nursing outside Brazil and strengthen the internationalization of the PPGEnf at UFPI; contribute to the strengthening of the foreign institution served; favor cultural and language exchange; develop research projects that respond to the country's needs and expand the institutions' commitment to development in the area;  contribute so that the receiving Higher Education Institution (HEI) create and strengthen the graduate course, contributing to the strengthening of vocations for research, encouraging the participation of scientific initiation scholarship holders in the Master's project and increasing partnerships for the development of research projects and scientific production between the promoting and the host Higher Education Institutions (HEI).




On June 28 and August 7, 2019, on the occasion of PPGENF/UFPI having enrolled in the Master's Course the Student Luis Fernando Penagos Cubillos, graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, with initial scholarship in academic mobility by the International Affairs Office of UFPI and later with a CAPES scholarship, a communication process was started with the National University of Colombia (UNC) with Prof. Sonia Patricia Carreño Moreno – Professor of Health for the Elderly – and Professor at the Faculty of Nursing at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia who realized on this occasion that the aforementioned student would continue in this area of expertise under the guidance of the Professor Maria do Livramento Fortes de Figueiredo (PPGEnf). In this sense, we invited to participate Prof. Carreño as co-researcher  of a project entitled: Situational study of dependent elderly  who live with their families: a comparative study. This project is part of the Multicentric Research coordinated, at national level, by Dr. MARIA CECÍLIA DE SOUZA MINAYO, Professor Emerita of FIOCRUZ of the National School of Public Health (ENSP),  and by Professor Maria do Livramento Fortes de Figueiredo, at local level (Piauí). The Study in Spanish is called: Estudio situacional de los adultos mayores dependientes que viven com sus familias: um studio comparativo. The participation of Prof. Carreño will involve collecting data from 116 participants, representing 70 main caregivers, older dependent adults  who can respond to the interview, 35 formal caregivers, 04 health professionals and 07 health managers, and producing scientific articles with literature reviews. Prof. Carreño accepted to participate as Co-Researcher, Co-Advisor, and member of the Examining Board to Master's Thesis of Luis Fernando Penagos Cubillos. And currently, UFPI has sent UNC a Technical Cooperation Agreement to  establish a mutual interest by both HEIs.




A Technical Cooperation Agreement was formalized on January 16th, 2020 between the Order of Nurses of Angola (ORDENFA) and the Brazilian Federal Council of Nursing (COFEN), with the aim of strengthening relations and technical-professional exchange. This Cooperation Agreement aims to structure ORDENFA in relation to its final activities as well as the articulation for the training and qualification of Angolan nurses at undergraduate and graduate levels with Brazilian universities and the exchange of experiences between nurses at various levels in Angola and Brazil. The ceremony was held in the amphitheater of the Hotel Monaliza, in Luanda, and was attended by the 18 Provincial Nursing Councils of Angola, represented by their presidents, several directors of health units in Luanda, and military personnel affiliated with the Health Department of the Angolan Armed Forces . The solemnity was presided over by the Secretary of State for Health of Angola, Dr. Franco Cazembe Mufinda, who represented the Minister of Health, Dr. Sílvia Lutukuta, who on the occasion announced that the Ministry will create the National Health Council, which aims to outline policies to promote differentiated training in the health sector. Dr. Franco Cazembe Mufinda expressed the Ministry's willingness to support the agreement with scholarships and other necessary resources. Dr. Manoel Carlos Neri da Silva, President of COFEN, informed that he will coordinate with Brazilian universities and announced that the Visiting Professor of PPGEnf at UFPI, Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell, was by delegation representing the Coordinator of PPGEnf/UFPI, Professor Maria Eliete Batista Moura. PPGEnf was willing to receive Angolan nurses for training in bachelor and post-graduate, Master's and Doctoral, degrees in the areas required by ORDENFA, with Angola guaranteeing the scholarships for training and other necessary costs. Dr. Paulo Luvualo, President of the Order of Nurses of Angola, highlighted the importance of the Cooperation Agreement for the development of the Angolan health and nursing sector, as nurses represent more than 60% of health personnel and there is a need for a differentiated training to better serve society. Dr. Paulo Luvual also reported that the country has only 32 postgraduate nurses in Nursing, and that these professionals are mostly affiliated with teaching. However, there is an urgent need to train more staff at this level, fitting them into care service, thus ensuring a more effective performance of the health service for the population. On that occasion, the COFEN team led by its President visited the Jean Piaget University – one of the Universities (supported by UNESCO) that train nurses in the country.


Internationalization at PPGEnf is in the process of expansion and consolidation and involves Professors, Students, Graduates, and Administrative staff. The insertion in the Internationalization Program at UFPI has stimulated the entire Faculty of PPGEnf in order to reach the PDI Goals for Internationalization of Postgraduate Studies at the HEIs. In this sense, 15 Professors of the Program (100%) have achieved international renown, with the development of important activities with Institutions and researchers from 09 (nine) countries in Latin America (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Panama), Europe (Portugal and Spain), Africa (Angola) and Canada.

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